Physical security continues to transform as cloud technology and IoT solutions infiltrate the industry.
What does this mean for you? It means growth, opportunity, and a more prominent seat at the table.
When your role as a security professional is seen as modern, data-driven, and efficient, and when the solutions you use create a connected building, you become indispensable.
Brivo conducted a market research study with Security Management Magazine to get a feel for the biggest issues physical security professionals are facing.
From their feedback we were able to pinpoint the movements driving the new direction the industry is taking:
- A move to the cloud: Cybersecure, easily scalable, cloud is how we consume technology today
- A need for mobile integration: Mobility of administering and using the solution as well as mobile data
- Data empowerment: Using physical security data to generate insights into organizational effectiveness
Adoption of these once-radical technologies continues to spur faster change. Â
We think change is a good thing.
Read our practical guide 3 Key Drivers to Digital Transformation in Physical Security to learn how to transform your business’s physical security operations, using advanced technology tools.